Pull Yourself Together
Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick & pull yourself together.
~Elizabeth Taylor
A little tough love for your Monday. Sometimes you just need a kick in the pants and a reminder to get over it.
Mondays happen. Crap happens. Life happens.
You’re not always dealt a good hand. Sad but true. So, when that happens, put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
Besides, a pretty cocktail and lipstick screams I have it all under control. =)
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Love this quote, so true sometimes we need to just get up and get on with it! Thanks for sharing #candidcuddles
Right?! And when we are forced to do this, it’s usually the best thing for us at the time too =)
I think I will paint this quote and hang it above my bed to read everyday. It so applies to my life right now. Funny thing is I even put lipstick on the other day and I NEVER wear lipstick…even my kids said “what’s that on your lips mom?” My youngest said I looked beautiful so of course that day she was my favorite. I am visiting from #candidcuddles.
So glad you enjoyed this quote. I don’t wear lipstick either but sometimes it just pulls you together. Hang in there! =)
Great quote! Sometimes we do need someone to give us a friendly nudge to get on with life. A bit of lippy will surely brighten any day! #candidcuddles.
=) right?! a good swift kick in the pants
Oh, so needed that even though it’s Tuesday for me. Great quote to get through any day of the week. #mg
I find that so many of the people I share with are on the other side of the world from me =)
Lovely quotes. You’re right, sometimes you just have to get on with it.
Thank you =) I’m doing just that in my life right now. Too much dwelling, not enough action.
I can cope with anything with a cheeky glass and some warpaint on. Show me someone who says otherwise and I will show you a liar ? #mg
Ohh, I like that. A cheeky glass and war paint
I so agree with this! I even went and brought myself a ridiculously expensive lip stick yesterday! Sometimes it gets me out the door. Thanks for sharing lovely xx #mg
I bought the Dior lip glow. feels like chapstick, gives subtle color. That was my lip splurge =)
lol yes sometimes you do need a kick in the bum & get on with things. Elizabeth Taylor has some fab quotes & this is one of them! Thank you for sharing, as always hun :)x
=) thank you for the wonderful party, great bunch of bloggers who link up!
LOL! And here I’ve been doing it all wrong. Hand me some lipstick and a martini Darling! Elizabeth Taylor is one tough cookie, she went though so much and always with class! At least she did in the public eye, and that’s what counts, right?
Heck yeah! Notice it she said put on some lipstick, not mascara. So you can still shed a few tears if needed and not have raccoon eyes