NEW Stamps by Studio L2E #52Lists2015
Hello there =)
I was so excited the day my Studio L2E stamps came I knew it had to be my next list! Here’s how it went down…
I was perusing Instagram one day and there were these AWESOME planner stamps by Studio L2E on (SSS). I had to have them. Alas, so did everyone else and they were sold out. Sad dot com =( So I did what any normal, craft supply, planner crazed person would do and signed up to get an email when they came back in stock.
Two $14.99 stamps sets. Two. That’s all I signed up for. Promise.
Welp, the ‘back in stock’ emails came and seven stamp sets and $98 later here we are! I had to snag some other sets. What if I decided I needed them and they too went out of stock? What then?
Planner and craft supply friends, you feel my pain…
The Studio L2E stamp sets I purchased were:
- Work Plans
- Labels & Tabs Sentiments
- List It
- Right Here Right Now
- I Am
- Plan It
- Beautiful Life
Let me say, I cannot live without them now. Not that I have used them yet… but my life would not be the same without them. Yeah, I’m being dramatic.
A few of my favorites are pictured. There just wasn’t enough room for them all. I also added the cute postcard from SSS to enable my stamp problems and have all the brands they offer at a glance.

What have you received/purchased lately that you CANNOT live without?
Be sure to check out The List of Lists, updated weekly, to keep up on my #52Lists2015 and find some ideas for your own list series!
These look fun. :)
OMG, I can’t stand how cute they are. I just sit and look at them all every now and then. I wish I was exaggerating…
Cute! I’m making my own stickers for my planners now. I haven’t thought of selling them. I don’t think I will. I might stop and grab some of these though. Cute! Thanks for sharing.
I’d love to make something to sell.. in time. Do you have any of your stickers up on your site?
These are great! Thanks for linking up to Funtastic Friday. Hope to see you again this week.
Thanks Sherry! I’ll be by on Friday. Lots of good stuff coming this week!