Make Life Beautiful For Others

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. #MondayMotivation

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

~ Mandy Hale

These beautiful people slip into our lives when we least expect it and when we need it the most.  They find joy in making your life more delightful.  The beauty they create (for you) is often done without the expectation, or even a thought, of receiving anything in return.

This is a very special person, one you don’t come across very often.  When you do, cherish and acknowledge their efforts.  Let them know what they do is appreciated.  Keep the beauty circle going!

Realizing that this person does not exist in your life?  Maybe YOU need to be that person!  How can you go out of your way to make life more beautiful for someone else?

Read to children.  Help an adult learn to read!  Donate your creations to a women’s shelter or your old craft supplies so mother’s can create with their children.

Smile at people.  Compliment them.  The list could go on an on…

How will you make the world more beautiful for others?

Lastly, am I the last one on the Mandy Hale train?  I’m just now finding out that she has a book or two…  I suppose if I’m going to be using her quotes I should at least check her out.  Have you read anything by her?

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  1. The world could do with more kindness and selflessly going out of one’s way to help another is a really special thing to do. I’ll have to go and check out Many Hale now too? Lovely quote! #candidcuddles

    1. Thanks Kerry Ann! Quote from her keep popping up in my searches. I see a new kindle book in my future…

  2. I am lucky enough to know a couple of people who make my world more beautiful, but what a brilliant idea to become that person ourselves. A beautiful quote and idea, thank you for linking up. Have a lovely week xx #Candidcuddles

    1. Thank you Lisa! I’m so glad that you have that beautiful person in your life. People need those people. I think any time you’re not receiving from others, you should be giving.

  3. I’ve never heard of Mandy Hale before. You must keep us all updated on her books. The easiest thing to do to make life beautiful for others is to smile. There have been days when someone has given me a lovely smile out of the blue and my whole day has turned around because of it.

  4. What a stunning quote. I think kindness makes the world go round & spreading happiness for others is what it’s all about! Thanks so much for sharing with candid cuddles x

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