Jobs I’d Be Interested In #52Lists2015
Hello there =)
Happy Spring!! The snow is melting, the sun is shining longer. Plants are starting to come back to life and everything feels energized again! I am beyond excited. Even though autumn is my favorite season, I love the freshness of spring. It is almost comparable to the crunch of fall leaves under foot. Almost.
I thought with the newness of the season upon us, List 12 would be a great time to think about fresh starts. If you could start a new job or had the time & means to train for a new career, what would it be?
Jobs I Would Be Interested In
52 Lists 2015 – List 12

- Graphic Designer – Since I started this blog I’ve become WAY more interested in taking pictures, editing them and making my own graphics. I get a little stuck sometimes and can’t come up with anything original. I guess that’s why it’s not my profession ;)
- Speech Therapist – Little known fact about me, I was kicked out of business school in college. Accounting kicked my butt =( After a summer of re-taking accounting (and $1100 later..) I decided it’d be really cool to be a speech teacher in school. I jumped into a major that I thought would lead me to being a Speech Therapist. Found out a year into that major, speech therapy was an entirely different department, adding at least 1 more year to my stay. No. Thank. You.
- Web Site Creator/Designer – Heck, I kinda do it already right? I think this one would be nice coupled with graphic designer. Make some pretty images, slap them on your new site and away goes a happy customer. I know it’s not really that simple, but is in my head ;)
- Social Media Manager – If I didn’t have to manage my own social media, I think I could pull this one off. I attended a webinar last week that was giving basic tips on how to be one and then trying to sell their course. Of course. I got some good ideas to really amp up my own social presence but I’ll keep it at that for now.
- Dental Hygienist – I think this would be a really satisfying job. Sure you have to look in potentially icky mouths all day, but think of how cool it would be to see the finished clean mouth? I put this profession and window washer into the same degree of satisfaction category, which is super awesome BTW.
Three afterthoughts I had were:
- Teacher
- Massage Therapist
- Photographer
The first I had wanted to be the whole time I was growing up right until high school. Then I fell in love with business classes and that got me no where… ;)
I attended an informational session on becoming a massage therapist back in 2006. I had my scrubs, massage table, what oils I’d use and my DBA name all picked out. Then my boyfriend reminded me I may have to work on large, hairy men. Ok… on to the next!
Photographer is a recent thought. Sarah Celebrates has peaked my interest in photography and images in general. People are visually stimulated and that intrigues me. Could I start a photography business? Someday, maybe. But I’ll just keep blogging for now =)
What jobs/careers interest you?
Be sure to check out The List of Lists, updated weekly, to keep up on my #52Lists2015 and find some ideas for your own list series!
website designer would be great, your blog look great
Thank you!