Fluttering Through The Flowers

I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year. It’s a bit late, but better late than never. And what better way to begin the new year than with a new notebook or two. Am I right? In September, I was approached by Alma of Central Crafts to see if I’d be interested reviewing some…
Hello there =) This is my niece Madison Jean, a rolly little eight month old who is no stranger to photo shoots in every outfit she wears with mom’s iPhone. While she loves to snag mom’s phone (and put it in her mouth), this little darling has learned to turn away when mom’s trying to…
Painting the roses red We’re painting the roses red Don’t tell the Queen what you have seen Or say that’s what we said But we’re painting the roses red Yes, painting the roses red Not pink Not green Not aquamarine We’re painting the roses red! Our rose bush has produced a few off-white with a…
Don’t worry, they weren’t cooped up for too long. These panda cories have since made themselves at home in my freshwater tank. More pictures to come =)
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Amazing captures, the detail in the wings is incredible
Thank you for linking up
Thanks! I practically had my head in the bush getting closer ;)
What wonderful photos! So much detail…
Thank you Kim. Little bugger wouldn’t hold still.
Love this series of pics. The flowers alone are gorgeous, but the butterfly makes it a stunning capture!
Thanks Nikki! I’ll take credit for the shots, I’ll give credit for the flowers to my mom ;) I ran around her yard for two weeks taking nature pics
Amazing capture! Love the last bit! #mysundayphoto
Thanks Merlinda!