Fluttering Through The Flowers
Hello there =) Can you believe it’s June?! For me it’s a time of graduation parties, BBQ’s and allergies. Oh, the allergies… How about you? I just spent the last 12 days house/dog sitting. So much ball throwing and treat giving all for some peace and quiet. I can’t tell you how happy I am to…
May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short! Is it just me, or is the Monday after a short work week always a long one? Let’s buckle down, grab another cup ‘o’ Joe and wish for a fast one! If one happy thought isn’t enough to start your week, get some more Monday…
Hello there =) This is my niece Madison Jean, a rolly little eight month old who is no stranger to photo shoots in every outfit she wears with mom’s iPhone. While she loves to snag mom’s phone (and put it in her mouth), this little darling has learned to turn away when mom’s trying to…
Hello there =) I really thought this one would be easy… I mean who doesn’t like to boast about their accomplishments in life? Apparently I don’t. Or can’t. Whichever makes me sound like the better person. This week’s 52 List topic was Things I Am Proud Of. While I am happy with many things I…
Hello there =) Welcome to link up 30 of Two Uses Tuesday! I trust all the readers in the States had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend commemorating our fallen service men and women. Bless them. As always, thank you for stopping by and linking up. It wouldn’t be a party with out you! There were…
A party without cake is just a meeting. ~Julia Child Hello there =) Hopefully, you have the day off today and can spend some time with family and loved ones. But… if you do have to work today… May your day be meeting free today and there always be room for cake =) [Tweet “Moral…
Hello there =) Our yard has always been frequented by a bunny or two. They’d never stay long or get too comfortable because they knew the second that door opened a large, brown beast full of teeth was on their tails. Sadly, we had to let our bunny chasing friend go just before winter hit…
Hello there =) Sometimes it’s hard to put into words what makes you smile or happy. It just happens sometimes. I sat down and wrote a few things that came to mind, one WAY faster than others and I didn’t have to think about it. Can you guess which one it is? Things That Make…
Hello there =) Welcome to Two Uses Tuesday Link Up 29! We are growing more than I could ever imagine! Thank you! Last week we had 247 wonderful posts shared with us. So many returning friends and some new faces, thank you all for stopping by! Announcements: Vote For Your Favorite Party!! – Two Uses Tuesday…
Your ability to relax is in direct proportion with your ability to trust life. So, how relaxed are you? Keep your Monday’s going strong with your weekly dose of Monday Motivation!
Hello there =) I bought a school of corydoras paleatus (Pepper Cory) a while back to fill out the bottom of my tank and to keep the stray food in check. Corydoras are members of the armoured catfish family. They spend their days swimming along the bottom of the tank searching for food. Unlike this…
Hello there =) This week I’m sharing some of my favorite books. A book gets labeled a “favorite” if I could read it again knowing how it ends already. I sat and pondered all the books I have read in my life (excluding mandatory summer reading for school, can’t remember those to save my life)…
Hello there =) How was your weekend? Did you celebrate and honor your mom yesterday? I did. It was supposed to be a day of crafting then dinner and ice cream, but ended up being shopping, dinner and ice cream. Still a lovely day and I bought some craft supplies! We are on link up…
Collect Beautiful Moments I always see such beautiful quotes and images on Pinterest, I thought I’d create (or re-create) some of my own. I hope you enjoy this new addition to Mondays and it brightens your day =)