Cooped Up Cories
Don’t worry, they weren’t cooped up for too long. These panda cories have since made themselves at home in my freshwater tank. More pictures to come =)
Don’t worry, they weren’t cooped up for too long. These panda cories have since made themselves at home in my freshwater tank. More pictures to come =)
Hello there =) We all have some things in life that drive us absolutely bonkers. Like so crazy that’s all you can think or talk about once they happen. They irritate you to your core and make life unbearable for the time being. And for the most part, they’re usually just minor annoyances to other…
Hello there =) Happy Summer! How have your first couple days of summer been treating you? And your Father’s Day? My family celebrated a joint Father’s Day and mini-graduation party for the youngest cousin in the family. As a pleasant surprise, family from Fort Drum made it in for the day. More family than usual,…
She believed she could, so she did. Sometimes all that is holding you back from reaching your dreams, or perhaps just simply dreaming, is yourself. Believe that you can and then do it. Publish that first blog post. Go on an adventure. Set up that Etsy shop. Start your new dream career. [Tweet “She believed she could,…
Painting the roses red We’re painting the roses red Don’t tell the Queen what you have seen Or say that’s what we said But we’re painting the roses red Yes, painting the roses red Not pink Not green Not aquamarine We’re painting the roses red! Our rose bush has produced a few off-white with a…
Hello there =) Throughout life we collect a number of sayings that speak to us. They may be quotes by famous people, book passages, song lyrics or even fortune cookies. Regardless, they etch themselves in your memory and evoke certain emotions when we come across them. This week’s 52 Lists is dedicated to those sayings…
Hello there =) Father’s Day is right around the corner and nothing says “I love you dad” like a homemade card. I wanted to keep this card simple, sweet with a little bit of awww factor and a touch of how dad would do it. Shall we? Supplies Used DCWV paper in The Weekend Neutrals…
Hello there =) Welcome to Two Uses Tuesday Link Up 33! For our returning friends, thank you for coming back each week. If you’re new, welcome! Be sure to check out last weeks amazing 197 posts. It was hard to just pick a couple favorites. I’m calming down from a weekend full of sun, rain…
“It’s impossible,” said Pride. “It’s risky,” said Experience. “It’s pointless,” said Reason. “Give it a try,” whispered the Heart. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart… While pride, experience and reason can be loud and in your face, at times the quietest, smallest voice is the one that takes you where you belong. [Tweet…
Hello there =) Well after missing last week’s posting by nearly a week, I think I’m back on track! Ok, I’m a day late… but it’s done. List 24 is 5 things I’d want on a deserted island. How did I get on this island? Who knows! But let’s just assume I have some food…
Hello there =) Sorry for being a week behind and just plopping my insta-pic here… but it was the only way I was going to catch up! And this list was WAY shorter than I thought it’d be! I Want To Learn How To #52Lists2015 List 23 Oops! Behind on my #52lists2015 ! List 23…
Hello there =) It’s seems to be baby season among my family and friends right now. We have 3 due right in a row: August, September and October. Luckily for me, only one of them is a first child so only one baby shower to go to. Thank goodness… I dread going to showers. Love…
Hello there =) Happy Monday and welcome to Two Uses Tuesday 32! We had over 250 links last week and TONS of inspiration! Remember to visit your friends after you link up =) Crazy busy week for me last week and oddly not much to tell… let’s just get into the party! Announcements: Thank you!…
Don’t be afraid to STICK OUT. Your life wasn’t meant to be like everyone else’s. It is yours after all! Don’t let people or the media intimidate you into being like them or what they want you to be. Be the brightest crayon (or colored pencil) in the box or the loudest laugh in a quiet room….