Tiny Fairy-Have a fairy merry Christmas | Sarah Celebrates

Tiny Christmas Fairy

Hello there =) Our Fairy Merry Christmas Blog Hop continues!  We wrapped up last week with Donna’s fairy ornaments and took a little break yesterday.  A few more days left of fairy goodness are left, let’s make the most of it! So, I don’t have a lot of space in my house to decorate nor do…

Pinbellish - A Pinterest Pin Sharing Link Up Party on Sarah Celebrates

Pinbellish Pin Party 14

Hello there =) Can you believe it’s almost the end of the year already? Are you ready for Christmas? I hope you’ve got some amazing Christmas crafts, recipes and inspiration to share with us this week, because we will have an extra feature spot just for Christmas posts next week! Announcement Oops!   We got all…

Thanksgiving Turkey #30minutecrafts | Sarah Celebrates

Thanksgiving Turkeys

Hello there =) A week and a day and then we say “Hooray! It’s turkey day!”.  I love Thanksgiving.  I won’t lie, it’s mainly because of the stuffing.  Ok, it’s only because of the stuffing.  I don’t do the Turkey Trot 5k run, I don’t like to watch the parade, but I will fast so…