Alice Inspired Drink Me Bottle
Hello there =)
Have you ever come across something that absolutely consumes your thoughts? Simple everyday items remind you of this thought? Your Google searches are littered with it? Of course this happens to you, that’s why you’re here ;)
This past Christmas my boyfriend received a video game called Alice: Madness Returns (mature content). It’s a dark Alice in Wonderland story where she’s escaping the real world to Wonderland once again but her dream world has been tarnished and the fight begins to save it. Or something like that…
Since he started playing it I have been stark raving mad about Alice in Wonderland! The imagery & color in the video game, it’s haunting soundtrack, the nostalgia of the Disney classic and reciting quotes like you wouldn’t believe.
Naturally all my craft and travelers notebook supplies started taking on Alice over-tones… Might as well show them off and blog about it.
Alice Inspired ‘Drink Me’ Bottle

What You’ll Need:
- Small, corked bottles
- Glitter
- Twine or string
- Embellishments, like a tiny key
- Paper scrap
- Glue
I started this project to add this as a charm on my new Alice: Madness Returns inspired travelers notebook I’m working on (watch for that post). Looking back, I should have found plastic bottles…
Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction. ~The Doorknob
Ready for how easy this is? I am the Queen of 30 Minute Crafts after all. This post took longer to write than it did to make the bottle, photograph it and edit images ;)
- Uncork bottle.
- Fill with glitter.
- Dab some glue around the cork and seal the bottle.
- Write ‘Drink Me’ on paper scrap. Punch hole in paper.
- Optional: Laminate your ‘Drink Me’ paper.
- Tie ‘Drink Me’ label and key around neck of bottle.
- Enjoy!

Oh… before I forget…
This is such a cute craft. I have always loved Alice in Wonderland!
Thanks for sharing!
Kate |
Thanks Kate! I tried to dye the inside of another bottle blue… didn’t have the correct kind of dye.
This is so cute!!
Thanks Sam =) I nearly went mad and almost made a dozen of them but who needs 12 drink me bottles?
Ha ha…love it. Quick awesome craft….super cute too. Love Alice in Wonderland…so many quirky ideas.
Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning.
Why thank you =)
That is adorable. I love Alice in Wonderland. I still have a VHS of the television miniseries from the 80’s. My favorite version with Sammy Davis and Carol Channing (she was kinda scary)
Did you get the bottle from the craft store? I’m looking for some to put my son’s Herkimer Diamonds in.
Thanks for sharing this cute idea!!
Yes, I did get them from a craft store. Hobby Lobby I think…
Thank you!! :)
Welcome =)
I love it! Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays :)
Thanks Lisa!
Thank you for contributing to Motivational Monday!
This is so cute! Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness link party :)
Thanks Sharon! Thanks for stopping by =)