Don’t Stop Working For It

If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it. #MondayMotivation

If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it.

We all have thoughts in the back of our mind, lingering, persistent thoughts.  The ones that keep us up at night.  The ones that make us work through the dull tasks of the day faster so we can entertain them.  Thoughts that make us question why we do anything else.

Chase those thoughts.  Tackle them to the ground and make them yours.  Don’t let something or someone put out the fire they give you.

[Tweet “Chase the thoughts that keep you up,make you question others and fuel your fire #Mondaymotivation”]

I have pursued a few different businesses over the past several years.  None of them panned out, none of them held my interest in their entirety.

After they fizzled out, one common thread remained: writing.  My favorite part of each of my ventures was writing about them.  Well, writing anyways, not necessarily about them.

That’s where this little slice of paradise sprang from.  Now I can write about what I want =)

But the chase doesn’t stop there!  Sarah Celebrates has only given me a taste of what’s out there in the writing world.  There is so much more to come!

What is burning in you?  What thoughts will you be chasing?

This post has been featured on Candid Cuddles.  Check out her motivational link up every Sunday =)

Cuddle Fairy

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  1. Ooooo!!! What a thoughtful post, really makes you think and has just inspired a conversation between me and my 12 year old, her answer was rather surprising ha! A great quote, thank you for sharing with #candidcuddles please excuse me while I go and sort my life out xxx

    1. Thank you Lisa =) It was a quote that came to me (probably searching on Pinterest) and really spoke to me. Then, when it came to writing about it, I was stuck for days. Finally poured my heart yesterday afternoon. Glad it’s starting conversations!

  2. ? My kindered spirit! I LOVE your quote and I feel exactly the same way about writing. Funnily enough, my post is sort of about the same thing. Ooh snaps ?. Pin those dreams, your writing style is gorgeous. #candidcuddles

    1. Awww, Annette, you just made my day! I have been so into wanting to write lately and having so much difficulty actually doing it. Doubts. It’s always doubts. But comments like yours help keep that spark alive =) thank you!

  3. Oh yes I feel that way about writing too, and interior design. I have things burning inside of me but I don’t want to jump in until I have a bit more figured out. Great post again. #mg

  4. Thank you so very much for this lovely reminder! I absolutely LOVE writing, and I’ve had so many thoughts bouncing around inside of my head lately that I just can’t wait to get out. This is a great post to look back on, when the weeks come where the writer’s block seems never-ending!

    1. You’re welcome! I finished this post amped to write more then the BLOCK set in. It’s ok, Ii’ll get over it ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I agree. If we keep thinking about something then we shouldn’t give up on it! Keep up the good work & hope for the best. Thanks so much for sharing with #candidcuddles

  6. I love this post, Sarah! I’ve been on many ventures in my lifetime, and one thing remains constant and enjoyable through it all and that’s writing. So, like you, this is what fuels me and hopefully, that fire will keep burning enough to keep moving me forward. Thanks for such an inspirational post. Saying hello from Totally Terrific Tuesday

    1. I completely forgot that I linked up to that party! Thank you Maria. Writing is so therapeutic, hopefully my writing can be calming or inspirations for others.

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