Guilty Pleasures #52Lists2015

52 Lists 2015, loving life one list at a time | Sarah Celebrates

Hello there =)

We all have them, guilty pleasures.  Those things you like to indulge in that others might find odd or beneath them.  What a perfect list to make!

Now, like other lists, I thought this would be super easy.  My first two are definite guilty pleasures, the last 3 are more shopping obsessions than guilty pleasures.  I have a feeling most of you can relate with the last three…

Guilty Pleasures

#52Lists2015 List 27

Guilty Pleasures - List 27 - #52Lists2015 - Sarah Celebrates

  1. Ke$ha – I love her!  Love, love, love me some Ke$ha music.  It’s perky, catchy and brings out some sass.  I can’t help but be happy when I hear it.
  2. 90’s Music – Doesn’t matter much what from the 90’s, I enjoy it all.  Maybe because it reminds me of high school.  Maybe because there was so much upbeat pop music.  Whenever I get a free weekend of Sirius XM in my car it’s 90’s on 9 the whole time.
  3. Washi Tape in triplicate – If I find  a washi I like and it’s a good price I just have to stock up.
  4. Dollar stores or $1 sections – You can’t pass up the $1 section!  And you can’t leave with just one of something (IE washi tape), I mean, it’s only $1.
  5. Notebooks and paper stuff – Notebooks and paper and binders! Oh My!  If it’s notebook or paper related I need it.  Heck, I probably have it.  I have to admit, I have done better as of late but I’m starting to get antsy for some new notebooks…

Be sure to check out The List of Lists, updated weekly, to keep up on my #52Lists2015 and find some ideas for your own list series!

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