100 Happy Days – Week Nine

100 Happy Days - Week 9 | Sarah Celebrates

Happy New Year!  How has it been going for you so far?  Make any resolutions?  I started my Well With Water 30 Day Challenge on the 1st… Day 1 was great!  I’ve been slacking since.  I’m going to have to resolve to making donations on my Charity Water campaign for every day I don’t make my goal.

But other than that, things are good and happy as usual =)  On to last weeks happiness!

57) Unexpected Breeding –  My boyfriend had a fish tank mishap; the heater broke, water got too cold and a bunch of fish died.  However, the ones that didn’t die enjoyed the cold to warm water change a little to much if you know what I mean.  Snapped a pic of some cory cat eggs on a leaf one evening.  But… they were eaten overnight.  Maybe we’ll get some more someday.

58) Fun & Games – Spent Sunday at a friend’s house and played a fun little game with their son.  Roll the die, pick the number of carrots the die says to, catch the rabbit if he pops off when you pull the carrot.  I don’t know how many times he almost lost an eye… I guess that makes it more fun the possibility of almost losing an eye ;)

59) Nap Time – Monday afternoon nap time.  Because I could.  No further explanation. =)

60) Gorgeous Scarf – I received a beautiful silvery, blue-grey scarf for Christmas from my mom.  It made it’s first appearance this week and was pretty much a staple.

61) Know It All 5 Yr Olds –  While all the adults (and a only teenager) played Pictionary New Year’s Eve, I sat back and watch three 5 year olds play Mario Brothers.  They all knew how to do everything and didn’t need anyone’s help.  Yeah, sure.

62) Meeting a Goal – The first day of my Well With Water challenge was completed with flying colors!  I drank so much water… Now to keep up with that!

63) Fish Buying Day – Two, count them two fish buying days while I was on vacation!  Both times I bought some Ember Tetras (the pale orange fish in ht background of the picture).

Just about a month left in the 100 Happy Days challenge!  Just joining us?

Start your own 100 Happy Days today!  

It’s never too late to be happy =)

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