Two Uses Tuesday Link Up 41
Hello there =)
Welcome to Two Uses Tuesday Link Up 41! We had just over 160 links last week and TONS of people checking out everyone’s shares! I love that you’re visiting people. What inspired you from last week’s party?
Just a note, I’m on vacation this week (from the day job). Little bit of travel, little bit of stay-cation. If I don’t response to your comments as fast as usual, be patient. I’ll be back =)
Tip of The Week (Answers Revealed)
Last week we asked if you know the difference between:
– image name
– image title
– image caption
– image description
– alt text
Image name is what you call the actual image file. Camera’s generally name the files by number for eg: 1234.jpg. Best practice is to change the name to something more meaningful, for instance the banner at the top of this page is named Two-Uses-Tuesday-Logo-Post-Header-700×300.png
The image title on the other hand is what readers see when they hover their mouse over the image. If you hover over the banner at the top of this page a text box displays the words ‘Two Uses Tuesday 41‘. We’ll discuss more about the other fields next week.
Meet Your Hosts
Sarah J of Sarah Celebrates: Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook
Stella Lee of Purfylle: Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
With out further adieu… YOU!
This Week’s Featured Posts!!
You Clicked It To Pick It
You must have 5 minutes and $5 because you loved Megan’s world’s fastest $5 curtains this past week.
Sarah’s Favorites
Two Uses Tuesday Times Two
Last week was Tasha’s first visit to the party and I LOVED her post. Not just because the title had Two Uses Tuesday in it ;) Her Wreck It journal prompts you to be creative and express yourself.
Sweet Summer Treats
I’m all about sweet treats with little to no work. Heather’s no churn swirl ice cream may do the trick on my vacation.
Stella’s Favorites
Pretty As A Picture
Kathleen shares some pretty cross stitch art you can wear. Wouldn’t it make a cute locket?
Old Toys, New Squeak
Don’t you hate how your dog ignores that expensive toy you bought once they get the squeaker out? Tara shows us her life as a dog toy surgeon and replaces those squeakers! Hooray!
And Last, But Certainly Not Least…
Better Late Than Never
Have the little girls beat the summer heat in this super cute bandana top Shirley whipped together!
Congrats to this week’s featured bloggers!
Thank you for inspiring us to create! Don’t forget to brag about it =) Grab a button, tweet it to the world and watch for it on the Two Uses Tuesday FEATURES! board on Pinterest.
Follow Sarah Jaskowski @ Sarah Celebrates’s board Two Uses Tuesday FEATURES! on Pinterest.
[Tweet “I was featured on #2usestuesday !”]

- BE CREATIVE & LINK UP – Share up to three (3) up-cycling, re-purposing, DIYs, recipes and craft projects. Original work and posts you haven’t submitted previously please.
- COMMENT & CONNECT – Visit two (2) links for every post you submit and show a little love.
- FOLLOW & SHARE – Follow your hosts on at least one social media platform and share the party! Don’t forget to use our party hashtag, #2usestuesday
Remember, share & pin the Two Uses Tuesday Features from the bloggers original content. Thank you.
Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Facebook
Google+ | Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
After you link up, grab the party button for your blog’s party page, linked posts or sidebar.

Want a reminder for the party? Subscribe to the Two Uses Tuesday Reminder email.
[madmimi id=127174]
[Tweet “I just linked up at #2usestuesday ! Come join me!”]
[inlinkz_linkup id=552727 mode=1]
Disclosures: By submitting a link to the Two Uses Tuesday Link Up you are giving the party hosts permission to feature your link/post on our blogs, across social media and future round up posts. This includes images from the linked post as well as linking to your social media accounts. Sarah Celebrates and all Two Uses Tuesday co-hosts respect you and your work; everything will be properly linked back to you and credit given where credit is due. You earned it!
You will also be added to the Two Uses Tuesday Reminder email list if you have not subscribed to it already. If you have submitted a link in the past, you are already on the list.
Thank you for another week of fun!
I stuck to the two uses idea with another recycle. Thank you for hosting! :)
Thank you so much for this weeks link-up. Have a blessed week!
And you as well Niki =)
Thanks so much for featuring my flower pendant–and thanks for hosting each week!
You are very welcome! Glad you can make it and share with us!
Thanks for the party! I hope you have a great week.
Thank you Sarah for another wonderful party and for featuring my No Churn Strawberry Vanilla Swirl Ice Cream, I’m honored and I really appreciate it!
Hope you have a great week.
Thank you for hosting the link up! Come join the Create & Share Link-up, Wednesdays, at
Urban Girl Bakes
You are very welcome! As soon as I create something ;) I’ll be over
Thanks for hosting Sarah, Hope you have a fabulous week!
Thanks for hosting a great party!
Thank you for hosting this week, I enjoy stopping by to see all the fun links!!
I would love to invite you to stop by my Oh My Heartsie Girls WW this week.
Hope you have a beautiful week.
Have an amazing holiday!!! I hope you have a great break and enjoy all that is perfect about holidays… sleeping in, good food… and no must do’s! :)
Half is done and the other half to go =) So far it’s been wonderful!
I love this link-up and a big thank you to you for featuring me too! – Tasha
And we love you! Thanks for partying with us!
Hello gorgeous! Thank you so much for hosting such a fabulous party! Please take a minute and stop by our party. We would love to party with you twice this week! Lou Lou Girls
Thanks for hosting the party:-)
Welcome =)
Thanks for hosting!
Welcome =) See you Monday night for link up 43!